Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday mini-inspiration post, to beat the horrible ho-hum bored feeling I'm trying to push to the back of my mind, because I'm snowed in. :(

(new york winter by leslie k)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Now I suppose I'll start working on my homework for class. The teacher only expects us to have a portion of it done by Monday, but with 4 days till that, I think I can do more. You know, gonna be the high-achiever in class this semester.

In reality, it probably won't last. And bugger, I just remembered I have a bunch of supplies I need before Monday for my print-making class. :( So much for high-achiever. Boo.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

some recent photographs!

1. breakfast for my lunch break from school
2. the trees infront of our apartment during the last snow storm
3. one of my dream catchers
4. skin
5. the view I pass every day on the way to school
6. my main (little) man, George
7. part of an outfit I wore recently

(I apologize for the obtrusiveness of the watermarks, but it irks me to no end to see my photographs reblogged on tumblr and weheartit (and other such sites) with no mention of me. While I appreciate that people like my pictures, I'd appreciate it more if they respected the artist who created them. :] In future posts, I'll do my best to make them less noticeable!!)

Beirut - Rhineland (Heartland)
(perfect for this snowy weather!)